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>Employee Survey Research (English)
Benchmarkanalyse af personalerelaterede aspekter
>OSCAR - Personalerelateret Benchmark (Dansk)
Komplette organisationsundersøgelser
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Open source (gratis) benchmarks og software
>Open source benchmarks og software (Dansk)
Artikler og præsentationer
Vi er ofte inviteret til faglige konferencer, hvor vi præsenterer vores forskning og artikler. Nedenfor er en oversigt over udvalgte artikler/ præsentationer:
>Mindfulness og acceptbaseret ledelse
Author: Max Boehling og Søren Braskov
Tidsskrift: DJØF Bladet, 8. juni 2012, nr. 11.
Læs artiklen »her.
>Vigtige beslutninger skal nogle gange være ubehagelige at træffe
Author: Max Boehling
Tidsskrift: Human Resources, 27. marts 2012, Årgang 22.
Læs artiklen »her.
>Managing and understanding employees’ group helping behaviours: A social identity perspective
Author: Max Boehling
Conference: Academy of Management (AoM), Human Resources division, Anaheim, USA, August, 2008.
>Antecedents of attractive teams and organizations: A social identity perspective
Author: Max Boehling
Conference: Academy of Management (AoM), Organizational Behaviour division, Anaheim, USA, August, 2008
>Antecedents of team and organizational identity: A social identity perspective
Author: Max Boehling
Conference: European Academy of Management (EURAM), Ljubliana, Slovenia, June 2008
>Team, organization and motivation: A social identity perspective on hierarchically nested identities influence on in-role- and helping behaviour
Author: Max Boehling
Conference: British Psychological Society (BPS), Social Section, Canterbury, UK, September, 2007.
>Towards high performing diverse teams
Author: Max Boehling
Conference: European Academy of Management (EURAM), Paris, France, May 2007
>Sharpening Social Identities
Max Boehling
Conference: British Psychological Society (BPS), York, UK, March, 2007
>The Psychological attractiveness of the work place: Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and Identity Management
Author: Max Boehling
Conference: International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB), Las Vegas, USA, Jan, 2007
>Social Identity and Group Management in Organizations
Author: Max Boehling
Conference: European Academy of Management (EURAM) Doctoral Colloquium, 2006, Oslo Norway, May 2006